Retaining Walls

Benefits of having a modular block retaining wall:
Protects existing structures
Will last forever
Creates extra space
Can solve existing erosion issues
Will prevent flooding
Adds to appeal of your home
Low maintenance
Modular Block Stairs

General Installation Process
Footings are dug and soil should be probed to ensure soil is compacted. Poor compaction or loamy soil will cause a retaining wall to sink.
Footings are typically 6" to 12" thick and built with #57 aggregate stones.
The first course of block will be set level on top of the gravel footing. This block will be partially buried to protect the footing from erosion.
A slotted pipe will be placed behind larger walls to act as a french drain. This will eliminate hydraulic pressure behind the wall.
As additional courses of block are added to the wall #57 stone aggregate is placed behind the wall.
This allows water to flow down to the french drain pipe.
As the wall rises in height, fill dirt is compacted in layers behind the retaining wall. Compaction is extremely important when larger walls are constructed.
Geogrid is placed in between the rows of blocks and is buried behind the wall. The length, strength, and placement of Geogrid is determined by the engineering.
A decorative cap is used to cover the top of the wall. The cap is adhered with concrete adhesives.
*Some details vary depending on the retaining wall engineer.